Archive for April, 2011

There is only one?

There is only One; He is described by the wise in a myriad ways. He is seen and experienced in various ways by different people, according to their angle of vision and the level of their intelligence and awareness. Different people describe the same thing in distinct ways. How can anyone declare that they should not do so? Or that what they describe is wrong? No one has the right to disparage or deny. Only those who strive to rise above the here and now, and become aware of the Transcendental Principle of Godhead deserve to be called true devotees. Those who revel in hurting others do not justify to be called devotees.

– Sathya Sai Vahini, Chap 7, “Be Yourself”.

Earth day every day.

Earth Day every way is at bay.
A poem once said” If you can’t be a highway, just be a trail, be the best of what ever you can be!

Don’t Miss The Digiday Video Upfronts in NYC & LA

Watching the business of watching online video. online video news. blog about online video business and technology, including online advertising, online video advertising, interactive video, webisodes, webTV,

2011 National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Show in Las Vegas

Conferences: April 9 – 14
Exhibits: April 11 – 14
Las Vegas Convention Center
Las Vegas, NV USA

Las Vegas, Nevada USA

Spotlight on Broadcasting: Change, Challenge and Opportunity
State of the Broadcast Industry Address
Delivered by Gordon Smith, President and CEO of NAB
Tuesday, April 12

Without question broadcasters today are operating in a fast-changing and turbulent business and regulatory environment. Gordon Smith will address the tremendous legacy of free and local broadcasters, the future business opportunities afforded by the digital transition, and the legislative and regulatory priorities of NAB. Special emphasis will be placed on major issues like the FCC’s National Broadband Plan, retransmission consent, the invaluable role played by radio in launching the careers of performing artists, and how both radio and TV broadcasters are positioned to be a complement to the rollout of wireless broadband.

A Conversation With Leslie Moonves
The President and CEO of CBS sits down with Gordon Smith to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing broadcasters and the broadcast medium today. CBS has been a leader in developing strategies across multiple businesses and platforms. This give and take will delve into the fascinating world of media and entertainment from the view of one of the most important companies in the business and from one of the industry’s most visionary leaders.

NAB Show Opening
Presentation of the NAB Distinguished Service Award
Monday, April 11
Eddie Fritts, who served as NAB President for 23 years,
will be honored for his leadership in securing a variety of public policy victories that helped sustain broadcasting’s future during an era of intense competition and unprecedented change.

FREE Exhibits Only Access
Register today with code EM08 for FREE Exhibits Only access. Includes:
• Opening Keynote
• State of the Broadcasting Industry Address
• General Sessions
• Info Sessions
• Content Theater
• Exhibits

Happy (spiritual) New Year

It’s a spiritual new year! And as some would say: Yad Bhavam. Tad Bhanthi. Inta Wanta Janta!

Worry is negative prayer! It isn’t helpful.

Be good to others. Hands that serve are holier than lips that pray.

It is time for us to be the message by putting teachings into practice more and more.

The simplest kindness is more meaningful then the most grandiose ideas not put into practice.